SELangkah Introduction

25 June 2020 by FG Media

1.What is SELangkah?

SELangkah – “Langkah masuk dengan selamat”, or “Step in, safely”, is a public health initiative platform to ensure the health and safety of our people and community as businesses resume its operations during the time of COVID-19 pandemic.

It is a free-for-use service that business may employ to assist in our nationwide contact-tracing initiative.

SELangkah is an automated entry registration system which will be set up at business premises using QR-codes. Each business premise will be given a unique QR code upon registration at and every patron of a business premise is encouraged to scan the code with their smartphones and submit limited information (name and phone number) to SELangkah. For further information on safeguarding your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Statement.

2. What do you need to in order to use SELangkah?

For business premise owners, all you need to do is register on SELangkah and receive a unique QR code for the specified premise.

You will be required to print the QR code and display it where patrons or customers can easily see and scan before entry to your premises. If your company has multiple branches / premises, each branch should have its own QR code.

On how to self-print your QR code, please refer to

For patrons and customers, all you need to do is scan the QR code with your mobile phone and submit your information when prompted. For further information on safeguarding your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Statement.

3. How will SELangkah assist in contact tracing?

Once a patron has been discovered to have been infected with COVID-19, the relevant public health authorities such as State Health Department can rapidly identify other patrons who have visited these areas to inform them that they have been exposed to the infected person.

Once identified, tests can be carried out quicker on others who have registered with SELangkah and visited the same business premise as an infected person. This will reduce the spreading rate of COVID-19, while also enabling the process of premise disinfection to be expedited.

4. Is this a new technology?

Contact-tracing has been part of our daily lives for awhile. For instance, visiting your friend in a condominium requires you to sign up as a safety and security measure.

While most condominiums use a manual logbook to collect this information, SELangkah has digitalised this process to make it more efficient and this will allow the State’s rapid response measures to kick in immediately to protect your health and those around you. The QR code technology in SELangkah is easily accessible by anyone with a smartphone, both on iOS and Android.

5. What kind of data will SELangkah record?

Your name, mobile number as well as the date and time of your visit to a particular store. For further information on safeguarding your privacy, please refer to our Privacy Statement.

6. Are details of my address and identity card number required?

No. SELangkah only requires your contact number to inform you immediately in the event that you may have come in contact with a someone known to be infected with COVID-19.

7. Will SELangkah track my location?

No. SELangkah only logs the date and time that you scan the QR code displayed at the business premise. It does not have the capacity to use your smartphone’s GPS system. The data of your movement is personal and protected.

8. Who will safeguard my data?

Only authorised government personnel will have the control to manage and safeguard personal information submitted on SELangkah. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for further details.

9. Can the business premise owner access or modify my personal information?

No. Only authorised personnel of Selangor State Government will have absolute control over your personal information and we have taken the appropriate measures to ensure that your personal information is protected and secure. To reassure you further on the State’s obligation to protect data, Section 203A of the Penal Code provides that any person who discloses any information which has been obtained by him in the performance of his duties under any written law shall be punished with a fine of not more than RM 1,000,000.00 or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with both. Please refer to the Privacy Statement for further details.

10. Will my data be used for commercial purposes?

No. Your personal information will only be used by the State Health Department to inform you directly if you have come in contact with a person infected with COVID 19 at the same business premise you visited.

11. How is SELangkah different from other contact tracing mobile applications?

SELangkah aims to complement and fill in the gaps currently present with other Contact Tracing Mobile applications.

While SELangkah is useful for premises-based contact tracing, it does not have the same capacity to trace incidence in public spaces (for example exposure in public parks, etc) unlike bluetooth-based technology

SELangkah encourages everyone to support and download other Government-endorsed Contact Tracing Mobile Application too, so a holistic and comprehensive system can be made available to our frontliners.

12. I do not want to use the QR code or participate in SELangkah.

Use of SELangkah is part of a new normal – a public health initiative that will be very useful in controlling COVID-19. It requires the cooperation of the government, businesses and most importantly, individuals.

However, in the event that you decide not to log your visit through SELangkah, track and trace efforts will be hampered and you could jeopardise the health safety of your loved ones by not knowing that you have been infected.

SELangkah is one of the more efficient methods of tracing the spread of such infections and to inform you of the risk as soon as possible.